Our Commitment to a Better Future

Sustainable practices and community support are fundamental to how we operate at Argus.
Argus' care and concern for our employees, community, and environment run deep within our core values (You Matter) and guide how we govern ourselves (Own It).
With Argus:
- You partner with a company that provides innovative solutions that improve emission reduction and sustainability.
- You partner with an employee-owned company that provides Canadian manufacturing and assembled products - a company that cares about our people.
- You partner with a company with robust quality systems and vendor approval processes, ensuring traceability in all material sourcing.
- You partner with a company with a strong connection and network with its community built through many years of support and commitment.
We responsibly deliver products and services for a growing population by respecting people, the community, and the environment.
Read our Annual Report on Forced & Child Labour in Supply Chains
(Canadian Bill S-211)